Books are available in Argentina

Yoga psychology: The science of psychology, in the tradition of Yoga, begins with our chakras (or plexi, psycho-spiritual centers) and different associated glands. Its development is influenced by our actions and other factors beyond the contemplation conventionally psychology. This book is a compilation of several speeches of the author on this exciting topic.
Author: Shrii P. R. Sarkar

Neo-Humanism: The NeoHumanism or worship of love to all Creation; it is an instrument for the analysis of society and the origin of the conflicts that could be the philosophical link between all persons and groups who currently work for a better world. NeoHumanism ideology is also a help for those who are on the spiritual path. Specifically for those who work for the service of humanity and at the same time for their self-realization. The Neo Humanism offers a vision that will help us to protect the inner treasure of our spiritual achievements while living in society working to improve it.
Author:: Shrii P. R Sarkar

Lily and Moon: This book collects speeches Shrii Shrii Anandamurti his disciples. The original title of the work in English is “Baba’s Grace”, which means “The Grace of Baba.” Baba in Sanskrit means loving Father and is the name by which the disciples affectionately called Shree Shree Anandamuti. In the spiritual life, but from the point of view of the applicant one should strive sincerely in practice, it is remembered that ultimately inspired the favor and grace of the Master is the key to spiritual realization.
Author: Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Neo-Humanism: The NeoHumanism or worship of love to all Creation; it is an instrument for the analysis of society and the origin of the conflicts that could be the philosophical link between all persons and groups who currently work for a better world. NeoHumanism ideology is also a help for those who are on the spiritual path. Specifically for those who work for the service of humanity and at the same time for their self-realization. The Neo Humanism offers a vision that will help us to protect the inner treasure of our spiritual achievements while living in society working to improve it.
Author:: Shrii P. R Sarkar

Thoughts of P. R. Sarkar: Universal Wisdom Gems: Thought is the seed of every action and relationship with our environment. That is why in the mind of modern man is the root of an era framed by an acute crisis of values. It is here where this collection of Thoughts of Shrii P.R Sarkar Master weighs on us to enlighten our minds transforming the relationship with ourselves and with the world.

Proutist Economy: Shrii P. R. Sarkar developed during three decades the Progressive Utilization Theory, known as Prout. Through numerous lectures the author elaborated its unique socio-economic proposal. By a selection of such speeches, this book presents – for the first time in Spanish language – the revolutionary concept of Prout. According to Sarkar, the economy must serve to liberate human beings from the stifling material problems, enabling him cultural development and spiritual elevation. With clear and compelling exhibitions, the author analyzes the sorry state of the world economy, stripping the effects of key systems that both suffocate humans. From there emerges Prout innovative proposal, opposed both capitalism and communism.Shrii P.R Sarkar delivers precise guidelines on the practical implementation of PROUT in all areas. Faced with the universal crisis we face, his legacy becomes an inevitable alternative to much confusion and misery.
Author: Shrii P. R. Sarkar

Tantra, the Eternal Science: For centuries Tantra practices have remained covered under the veil of mystery, esotericism inscrutable, of the forbidden. And despite the countless books and treatises have been published on this topic, this book presents for the first time to the public with a focus on practical, everyday way techniques of Tantra. This way, Tantra, represents an effort to penetrate the mystical link between the finite and the infinite, between the individual and the cosmos. While for some, all that is spiritual seem to exclude the mundane, in Tantra both are harmoniously reconciled. Spiritual enlightenment and individual realization of significant material existence, are seen as complementary needs.
More complex concepts have been explained in this book for easy understanding, hoping to make them accessible for people that first encounter and so can benefit from its practical application in daily life.
Based on the teachings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.

Beyond the Superconscious Mind :Human existence is not a single reality, but the continuity of several layers ranging from the crudest and dense (physical body) through the various levels of the mind, even the most subtle, usually called “spirit” or “soul”. Summarizing the results of recent scientific research, and the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy, “Beyond the Mind Superconscious” takes us on a journey through all these levels; thus serving as a basic guide for those interested in exploring the infinite potential of your mind and achieve the highest level of self-knowledge and peace state.
Author: Av. Anandamitra Acharya

Yoga For Health: The ancient science of Yoga reveals that the secret to health lies in the harmony between body and mind. Yoga student gradually learns to keep the body and mind in balance in all situations. Ananda Marga Yoga is the culmination of thousands of years of individual research and practice. This system of preventive medicine, provides the simplest techniques for comprehensive health, emotional calm, relieving stress and fatigue, slow the aging process, flexibility of members and an increase in energy and vitality of the body. “Yoga for Health” is the key to open the door of the hidden potential within the body and mind.
Author: Av. Anandamitra Acharya
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